Tuesday, 3 January 2012

It's the little things.

Getting bought out by a new company was nerve-wracking, but things are getting better.

Fabulous gift from the company though - FREE coffee in the kitchen areas.  EVERY day, ANY time.  One of those coffee machines, so there are like, 12+ different kinds to choose from.

Apparently one of the new executives came to visit and was looking for coffee and was told that under the rules of our old company we weren't allowed coffee at meetings that we have had to buy it ourselves ($1.60 for a crappy cup of coffee!).  If it is a very important meeting with a client or regulator, the (former) company would spring for a pot, and maybe some bottled water.

My understanding is that the executive said "what the hell?" (My words, not his.)  "What kind of cheap-ass bastards were you working for?" (Again, very much my own words.)  "We'll make sure this is taken care of right away." (Here I'm still only guessing at what might have been said.)

Briefly put - thank-you to the new company for an AWESOME holiday present.

SERIOUS: In general I don't post trash about my employer, but I will still never state online the name of the company I work for (or any of my former employers). If you read this and do know the name of my employer, please don't post it here or I'll have to delete the post and permanently block you.